2299. Prophecy – 2015 Mission Trip Videos.


2015 Anointing Israel Knesset gov Part 1

2015 Anointing Israel Knesset gov Part 2

2015 Anointing Israel Administration grounds

2015 France Parliament Anointing trip.

Prophecy 2298 Occurrence - A powerful Spiritual Experience.


2267. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 15 March 2015 at 1 PM.

During prayer the Lord gave me a Word, "Reymundo, I want you to go back to Israel and Anoint the areas near the Israeli government buildings. I will tell you, when and where later. You will be instructed when to leave and return from Israel."


16 March 2014 at 11 AM:

The Lord gave me another Word about the upcoming Mission Trip.

The Lord said, "I want you to go to France and England and Anoint the areas around their government buildings too."